What We Catch

When the spring migration begins, we have excellent catches of yellowfin tuna and king mackerel. As the weather and water continue to warm “gaffer” dolphin join the yellowfin to make for some remarkable fishing.

The Sea Toy will be in Bermuda for the month of July where your next blue marlin bite could be the biggest in the world!

During these months the Outer Banks’ are historically well known for incredible billfishing. Double digit white marlin catches are always a possibility and this is also the peak season for monster blue marlin. Dolphins are still abundant and as fall approaches the yellowfin tuna reappear.

The water and weather are cooling off, but this is consistently the BEST time of the year for yellowfin tuna fishing. It’s also the season for king mackerel and bigeye tuna. Your best and last opportunity of the year to fill the freezer.
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